How Braces & Retainers Work
Orthodontists often recommend braces and retainers for adolescents and adults with misaligned teeth. Patients preparing for a visit to the orthodontist may have a few questions.-
What are Braces?
Braces consist of brackets, spacers, wires and bands. Newer types of braces include clear polyurethane devices to align the teeth. Removable retainers made of plastic help hold the corrected teeth in place after braces are removed.
How Do They Work?
Braces and retainers work by exerting pressure on teeth over a period of one to three years. During this time, the alignment of the teeth changes, straightening crooked teeth and relieving any problems associated with over or under bite. Typically, patients wear retainers at night for six months to a year following the removal of braces.
What to Expect?
Braces will be applied to your teeth by an orthodontist. Expect to visit the orthodontist every month during treatment. Some pain may be experienced. Use ibuprofen or other recommended over-the-counter pain relievers. Participation in sports will require a special mouth guard.