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Multiple Myeloma Cancer Survival Rates

Multiple myeloma is a form of cancer that affects the plasma cells. These cells often are able to invade the nearby bones. These plasma cells are part of the immune system and are normally present in the bone marrow and throughout the lymphatic system. Multiple myeloma has no known cure, but it is possible to send the cancer into remission.
  1. Caucasian men

    • For Caucasian men, the 5-year survival rate is 35.8 percent.

    African-American men

    • African-American men with multiple myeloma have a 5-year survival rate of 36.3 percent.

    Caucasian women

    • The 5-year survival rate for Caucasian women with multiple myeloma is 28.1 percent.

    African-American women

    • For African-American women, the 5-year survival rate for multiple myeloma patients is 30.5 percent.

    Factors that influence survival

    • Multiple factors influence the survival rates of people with multiple myeloma, including the stage of the cancer, kidney involvement and how the cancer responds to treatment.

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