Signs & Symptoms of Bladder Stones & Infection

Bladder stones are crystallized minerals that form when urine in the bladder becomes concentrated. Bladder stones sometimes don't cause symptoms and may be discovered during tests for other conditions, such as bladder infections, which can be caused by bacteria build-up when the bladder does not completely empty during urination.
  1. Effects

    • Both bladder stones and bladder infections are frequently accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Men may also experience pain or discomfort in the penis.


    • Bladder stones may cause difficulty in urination and interruption of urine flow. Bladder stones and infections can also cause pain, typically a burning sensation, during urination.


    • Dark urine, caused by the presence of excess bacteria, is a frequent symptom of both bladder stones and infections. In advanced cases, individuals may notice blood in the urine.


    • A low grade fever can be a symptom of bladder infection. A fever of more than 101 degrees could be an indication of advanced infection in the bladder and kidneys.

    Risk Factors

    • Women suffer bladder infections more frequently than men, primarily because the urethra is shorter and closer to the anus, making women more likely to contract bladder infections after sexual intercourse.

      Diabetes, kidney stones, pregnancy, enlarged prostate, immobility and urinary catheterization can increase the risk of bladder stones and infection.

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