Indian Herbs for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can lead to stroke or heart attack if it is not treated. There are a variety of natural Indian herbs that can be used as an alternative treatment to drugs.
  1. Turmeric

    • Turmeric, an east Indian herb that is commonly used in curry dishes, can make your blood vessels stronger, prevent clots, lower cholesterol levels and improve your blood flow.

    Hawthorn Berry

    • Hawthorn berry may open your arteries, reduce hardening of your arteries and make your heart muscle stronger.

    Ginger Root

    • Ginger root can improve your circulation and relax the muscles around your blood vessels to help lower your blood pressure.


    • Garlic, as well as onions, have properties that can lower your blood pressure and prevent or inhibit clotting.

    Other Herbs

    • Other Indian herbs recommended for treating high blood pressure include, arjuna, skullcap, gotu kola, valerian, ashwagandha, manjishta, shankapushpi, burdock, cinnamon, nutmeg and jatamamsi.

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